
Three little birds put your records on lyrics
Three little birds put your records on lyrics

three little birds put your records on lyrics

I’m really looking forward to playing in front of a bunch of new people and seeing all of the birds that I’ve never seen before, specifically in Italy. They’re more straightforward about it because their brains can’t think of more than one thing at a time”.

three little birds put your records on lyrics

This thing that they do is kinda related to how we do this thing.


It’s funny watching people come up and be like, “You’re full of shit! You just sing about birds to sing about birds” and then we’re like, “Well, actually, no. Do birds actually experience that or are you just talking shit?” It’s a really cool conversation starter. I really connected to this message that you’re trying to put through in this song. There’s been so many different occasions where people have seen us play and heard our lyrics live and been like, “I never knew that this song was about this. They’re not singing about crime like Masked Intruder, they’re singing about birds”. It’s really interesting because when people see us or listen to any of our music they think, “Oh yeah, they’re just one of those schtick bands that sings songs about birds. I really like playing in front of people and I really like talking to people and making connections with people through our songs. What are you looking forward to the most about these festivals? We feel so much gratitude and happiness that we’ve been offered these opportunities and get to do these things and meet all of these cool people. Honestly, a lot of us weren’t in the situation financially to ever go so to be offered this opportunity to play with fantastic bands that we love and play for fantastic people that we love it’s amazing.

three little birds put your records on lyrics three little birds put your records on lyrics

They’re far away from where we live and it’s really complicated to get to them as fans unless we truly prioritize it. We’re really grateful to be offered these opportunities to play these cool festivals that we’ve followed for years. How does it feel to be playing these festivals? You’ll be playing Punk Rock Raduno in Italy in July and you’ve just been added to Gainesville’s Fest which will take place in October. Read the interview below! Nerdin About Birdin by Avem Punknews editor Em Moore caught up with bassist and vocalist Julian Warmland over Zoom to talk about playing festivals, their new EP, what we can do to help birds, and so much more. Nerdin About Birdin is out now on Mom's Basement Records. And if you live in Ontario or Montreal, fear not! Avem will be coming your way later this month. They will also be crossing the border and playing Fest in Gainesville this October. Along with recently signing with Belgium's Bearded Punk Records, the band will be playing Punk Rock Raduno in Italy and Festivalkult in Germany in July. The band are getting ready to spread their wings and take their bird-conscious punk to the international stage. Southern Ontario-based punks and avid birders Avem have just released their excellent new EP Nerdin About Birdin that sees them tackling the negative effects climate change is having on birds (and humans!), talking about addiction, and discussing the mating rituals of bowerbirds over kick-ass Ramonescore riffs.

Three little birds put your records on lyrics